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Q4Quiz #2 Mainly Science

1)The most lucrative academic prize in the world giving more than twice the prize money given to nobel laureates.
Ans: The breakthrough prize

2) What does torino scale measure
Ans Meteorite impact

3)Chengdu, China is reportedly planning to launch a satellite which would  reduce it's reliance on electricity to light the streetlights, by directly using the sun as a source of light during night. What are they planning?
Ans: An artificial moon

4)Named after a famous Indin American astrophysist, this x ray space telescope went into a breif period of shutdown due to gyroscopic failures. Id the astrophysist.
Ans: Subramanyan Chandrashekhar

5) The aerospace startup owned by the Jeff Bezos has announced that the launch scheduled for 2019 would comprise of an automated capsule with 6 tourists and no flight attendants, Id the startup.
Ans: Blue Orgin

6) Google AI 'LYNA' used for detecting a particular kind of medical condition, has done the same with 99% accuracy for all the slides provided. What medical condition does it detects?
Ans: Metastatic (advanced) breast cancer

7) California Institute of technology and Quebec University scientist have made the worlds fastest X dubbed 'T-CUP'. The X uses a method called compressed ultrafast photography (CUP) with femtosecond streak X used in scanners. ID X
Ans: Cameras

8) 'Black Hole Entropy & Soft Hair' has caught attention being the last scientific paper published by a well known scientist. ID him
Ans: Stephen Hawking

9)The japanese billionaire  Yusaku Maezawa is set to become the first 'X' on a space X rocket, he said "I believe if I go to 'X' I can produce better work, great work. What is he set to become?
Ans: The first Moon Tourist

10)Name the recent movie made on the life Neil Armstrong the first man on Moon.
Ans: The First Man PS: For more quizzes go to the Q4Quiz tab
